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Bike Fitting

My Guarantee to YOU!

All fittings are guaranteed for a full year from the original fitting date. That means that if something changes with your bike or body within a year of the fitting you can make an appointment to come in FREE OF CHARGE to have your fit reevaluated. Here in Illinois our outdoor riding season is limited so I want to make sure you have the best season possible no matter what it takes! 

Hybird Bike Fitting – $90  (Approx. 45 minutes, new parts not included)

Are you just getting into cycling? Have you had a bike for a while and want to get back into riding and want to make sure you will ride injury free and comfortable? This fitting will help establish a solid base of getting you out riding comfortably.

  • Interview
  • Ischial Tuberosity Width (Sit Bones)
  • Foot Structure Evaluation
  • Saddle Height
  • Saddle Fore / Aft
  • Bar Rotation and Lever Position

Basic Fitting $180 (Approx. 2 hours, new parts not included)

The Basic Fitting is comprised of 2 main parts. The first part is an in-depth assessment your body structure and measurement of ranges of motion.  This is crucial in a bike fitting as we are fitting the bike to how YOUR body works and moves comfortably. Measurements are documented so that when the bike is adjusted to you the ranges of motion are not exceeded.

The second part is actually fitting the bike to YOUR body. This is done while take measurements while you are sitting on the bike. The measurement style used is referred to as "Static Measuring" meaning measurements are taken while you hold varies positions on the bike aiming for optimal ranges of power, efficiency, and comfort. This method has been used for years and until recent improvements in bike fitting technology was the fitting protocol used from beginner cyclists to pros alike. 

RETÜL Fitting for Road and Mountain Bikes $250 (Aprox 2-2.5 hours, new parts not included)

Whether you’re trying to resolve a nagging pain, looking for every crucial watt to get faster, or just want to be as comfortable as possible on your bike the RETÜL Bike fitting is for you!

Like the Basic Fitting the first part of the process is an in-depth pre-fit anatomical assessment. We look at your body structure as well as review of past injuries. This is crucial in a bike fitting as we are fitting the bike to how YOUR body works and moves comfortably. Measurements are documented so that when the bike is adjusted to you, your ranges of motion are not exceeded.

Next, we move to the bike and apply 8 LED markers on anatomical points of your body that will track and measure your movements on the RETÜL Vantage Motion Capture System. The RETÜL Vantage system is used to collect real-time, three-dimensional data from each pedal stroke creating a dynamic fit experience.

The real-time dynamic data is compiled into the RETÜL bike fit software so that the we can look at the numbers, which show degrees of movement that cannot be seen with the naked eye, and make adjustments to your bike based on the fit data, pre-fit physical assessment findings and your goals on the bike.

Bike fitting is a two-way street meaning feedback from the rider is the most valuable tool here. I’ll get your perfect fit by the numbers but with your help together we’ll find the “Sweet Spot”


  • Interview
  • Ischial Tuberosity Width
  • Forefoot Angulation
  • Foot Structure Evaluation
  • Level Pelvis
  • Forward Spinal Flexion
  • Hamstring Range of Motion
  • Hip Range of Motion
  • Ankle Range of Motion
  • One-Third Knee Bend


  • Saddle Selection
  • Cleat Placement & Rotation
  • Saddle Height
  • Saddle Fore / Aft
  • Handlebar Width
  • Handlebar Reach & Drop
  • Bar Rotation and Lever Position
  • Hip Angle
  • Z - Plane Assessment
  • Arch Support
  • Forefoot Support
  • Stance Width
  • Follow - up
retul fit specialized bike fitting service

RETÜL Fitting for TT and Triathlon Bikes $275 (Aprox 2.5-3 hours, new parts not included)

Are you ready to set that new PR you’ve been chasing for your 40k Time Trial? Are you looking to get off the bike and smash the run feeling great in your upcoming triathlon season? Maybe you’re new to riding in the “aero-position” and want to make sure it’s set up right. This is the fitting for you!

All of the same steps RETÜL steps and procedures are completed as above but extra time is spent making sure the cockpit of your speed machine is as aero (and comfortable) as can be.

Other Services

Saddle Fitting- $50 ($25 with purchase of a new saddle from Lucky Brake)

Cleat Fitting- $50 ($25 with purchase of new shoes from Lucky Brake)

Contact us to schedule your bike fit today.

If the Shoe Fits

For maximum power transfer on the road or trail and for exceptional comfort on a spin bike, we recommend clipless cycling shoes and pedals. With stiffer soles and the ability to click into and out of your pedal system easily, cycling shoes make your ride and your workout more efficient, more effective, and more comfortable. Never get stuck in a toe cage again!